This map gives a visual representation of the grades our quantitative analysis allocated to each of the 129 countries in our rating system.

Cette carte offre une représentation visuelle de la répartition des notes allouées par notre analyse quantitative aux 129 pays évalués.

We decided to evaluate 129 countries of the world whose economic weight is considerable, as they represent 98% of the world’s total GDP . We only selected countries with sufficient, reliable and up-to-date data, whose contact with the civil society was possible. The countries in grey are the ones we decided not to grade because they did not satisfy the above-mentioned selection criteria.

Nous avons décidé d’évaluer les 129 premiers pays du monde en termes de poids économique ; ils représentent 98% du produit intérieur brut mondial. De plus, nous n’avons inclus dans notre analyse que des pays pour lesquels nous avons eu accès à suffisamment de données fiables et actualisées, et dont le contact avec la société civile était possible. Les pays en gris sur notre carte dont ceux que nous n’avons pas pu noter car ils ne satisfaisaient pas l’ensemble de nos critères de sélection.

Then, we wanted to faithfully represent the diversity and distribution of all grades allocated without making the map illegible due to a great number of categories and colors. We thus decided to spread the 129 countries into 5 grade results. The first category, between 10 and 7.5, includes 20 countries with “excellent” grades. The 11 following countries obtained a “satisfactory” grade between 7.5 and 6. 24 countries obtained an “average” grade (6 to 4.5), 43 countries an “unsatisfactory” one (4.5 to 3) and 29 countries a “substandard” one (3 to 0).

Ensuite, nous avons souhaité refléter la diversité et la distribution inégale des notes attribuées sur une carte sans pour autant la rendre illisible avec un trop grand nombre de catégories ou de couleurs. Ainsi, nous avons décidé de répartir les 129 pays dans 5 catégories d’1,5 point. La première catégorie contient 20 pays dont la note, comprise entre 10 et 7,5, a été jugée « excellente ». La deuxième en comprend 11 ayant obtenu une note « satisfaisante » entre 7,5 et 6. La troisième catégorie comprend 24 pays avec une note « moyenne » (entre 6 et 4,5), la quatrième en comprend 43 avec une note « insatisfaisante » (entre 4,5 et 3) et enfin la dernière regroupe les 29 pays avec les notes les plus basses, entre 3 et 0, jugés « médiocres ».

Grades per country and per category

Notes par pays et par catégorie

A few comments about the results...
....Quelques commentaires sur les résultats !

Julie Jardel

Project manager

There is one certitude: the world as we know it today will not be the same tomorrow. Democratic elections, economic crises, migrations, military conflicts, natural disasters and technological revolutions keep disrupting the world as we know it, keep changing the rules of the game. Our generation is at the heart of those changes: upon our shoulders weights the necessity to define the future we want to live in. Older generations must leave space for and guide us towards the achievement of our ambitions, the creation of an environment that allows us to thrive not only as individuals, not only as a society, but as a species.

However, a great number of young people tend to feel more and more disconnected or misrepresented by their political leaders, who do not necessarily allow for an inter-generational collaboration to happen, who do not automatically seek the advancement of humanity. We have seen and continue to see leaders that are eager to ride a wave of fear and hatred of the other only to their own benefit. What if this context meant the end of the political agenda as we know it, the end of public policy defined arbitrarily by a few leaders? What if the new generations could be guiding the executive branch towards what they consider essential to their future, giving them grades to teach them how to rule?

    Pr Daniel Haber

    Board member

    Youth matters

    For the last 30 years, waves of young brains, sometimes not even having completed their higher studies, have changed the world by taking scientific breakthroughs into all sorts of products and services, now called the “the new economy”.

    Innovation, audacity, speed are the crux of youth and this is why “start ups” have become the drivers of change, creativity being able to lure capital into investing in risky ventures.

    This movement comes at a moment when reforms by governments are largely insufficient and always too late to rightly answer the anxiety of a disorderly world, where a fast pace of economic changes, called the globalization process, generates an intense feeling of injustice among large segments of the populations. A real crisis is now bringing anger and reject into existing democracies, while triggering the surge of authoritarian leaders.

    The « Global Government Rating Project » stems from this situation. It brings an innovative answer to a simple question: could this youth, having engaged in the creation of the “new economy”, also rejuvenate the national and international governance?

    Youth has the codes of modern life: permanent learning supported by AI, cooperation via dense networks (social and professional), natural team-working, collective forms of leisure.

    And there is an additional game changer: Asian youth (from the Near East to Japan), African youth, Latin American youth, are now connected with the Western youth. To them the issue of cultural values is not central as there are using their own global set of visons, attitudes and practices. In many ways, Jack Ma is now on the same wavelength as Mark Zuckenberg or Jeff Bezos. And they all look at Bill Gates, the starter of all, and the richest man in the world, in his commitment to work and invest into the common good at world level. They are designing a sort of universal set of values which is a bridge between the “West and the rest”, giving a chance to avoid the “clash of civilizations”. They are the first generation that looked at our Blue Planet from a spaceship and understood that our world was small, fragile, unique.

    Now, behind these leaders, young graduates and “startupers” are ready to engage in taking more global responsibilities. The House of the Rising Stars Foundation gives these upcoming elites from the five continents a chance to first assess what is done by the present rulers of the world and to do so in such a professional manner that the next step will be natural: justify their critical assessments by proposing their solutions. Their access to governance is still limited and controlled. But they will find their own way to generate global answers to all issues. If the economy is now vivified by our youths, why not rely on them to refresh our political life?